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Friday, September 21, 2012

Crime Prevention Action Fund

The Crime Prevention Action Fund (CPAF) provides time-limited funding to assist communities and organizations to develop and implement crime prevention initiatives that utilize model and promising programs to address known risk and protective factors associated with offending behaviour. To learn more about risk factors, see risk and protective factors.

Evidence-based approaches rest on two main characteristics: a) they clearly establish the links between identified risks, interventions and outcomes and b) they use the knowledge base of evaluated model and promising programs.

The National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) recognizes some crime prevention interventions as model programs, based on rigorous evaluation studies and positive results in various communities and environments. The NCPC defines promising programs as crime prevention interventions that are based on evidence, but requires further evaluation to make determinations regarding effectiveness.

Our priorities are to:

§  address early risk factors among vulnerable children and youth at risk;

§  respond to priority crime issues (e.g. youth violence, school-based bullying);

§  prevent recidivism among high risk groups; and

§  foster prevention in Aboriginal communities.


 The deadline for letters of intent and application forms for the Crime Prevention Action Fund is October 25, 2012.